Author's Book list
Immortal Island Series
A fast paced Paranormal love story set in contemporary times. It combines a diverse and intriguing lovable set of characters, with an unrelenting sense of how powerful immortality really is. Sarah a human is thrown in the middle of it all.
Available here:
The Vampire Masquerade
The Fallen
The Reckoning
A fast paced Paranormal love story set in contemporary times. It combines a diverse and intriguing lovable set of characters, with an unrelenting sense of how powerful immortality really is. Sarah a human is thrown in the middle of it all.
Available here:
The Vampire Masquerade
The Fallen
The Reckoning
New Paranormal Series out Feat Avery Snow
Meet Avery Snow, a clairvoyant witch that speaks to the dead. In this series, Avery goes through supernatural situations that everyday people turn a blind eye to. Join Avery in her journey of self-discovery and mysterious adventures that will keep you guessing to the very end.
Available here:
A New Witch in town Vol 1
Vol 2 coming soon...
Also a new contemporary Romance by Sabrina Ross
Lauren Miller's life has changed drastically after the death of her fiance Matthew. She moves back home to Portland from Los Angeles to help her mother. Lauren falls through a wormhole of emotions she is no used to. She meets up with old friends and soon enough is back to old habits. Through her best friend Cassie she meets a new beau...or two...
Available here:
Monday, December 17, 2012
My series is currently available by COUPON in EBOOK format only for 100% free until dec 31st follow the links to get your copy! Spread the word.
VA23S Spellbound bk 1 Book 1
EX84R Vampire Masquerade bk 2 Book 2
QJ28C The Fallen bk 3 Book 3
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Writer's Block, how to defeat it.
Writer's Block, how to defeat it.
It is frustrating enough when you have an idea but not the time to write it in before you lose the idea. But to stare at a blank screen or a blank piece of paper with so many ideas and no way to begin is even more frustrating. Nothing is original anymore so that makes it hard to reel your audience in. That is my hardest task is getting that first page hook. I cant seem to find the words to beging the several different ideas I have running in my head, and yes I know you dont have to begin a story at the begning, you can try from the end, or the middle and work your way back. Still I come up short.
Most advice is-> write what you know. well I know and love the supernatural aspect of stories but the struggle I went through to get an agent to take on another vampire novel sort of pushed me away from the whole supernatural stories. Even though there is a huge market for it write now and every time I go into a book store which is often I see a new series released or re-released with new covers to attract a younger audience. My novel was for 18+ many people enjoyed it but the only way to share this was to self publish. I love to write, I do, and to do it as a living would be a dream come true.
I think I may be too critical of my work and when I look it over after writing it I tend to decide it is not good enough to pitch. No one will like it. ugh.
This is really frustrating. If anyone has any good methods to beat the block please share them here.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Didn't make the cut
Round one has been and gone. List is posted and I didn't make the cut this round. Now that I am aware of the contest and how it works I will try again next year and hopefully make the cut. I took a chance using a first person story but it was the only thing I had ready from beginning to end. Next year I will submit a different genre and a third person view.
I tried to explain to my husband last night the difference between first person third person and narative and he didn't get it. lol. Either he didn't listen to my explanation or he didn't understand the difference. So I thought I would post the difference here.
First Person POV - The telling of a story in the grammatical first person, it's as if the author is telling his or her story. i.e. from the perspective of an "I," - I am going to the park, we went out. I had a date. However, this form of narration is more difficult to achieve in film; however, voice-over narration can create the same structure. Orson Welles achieves similar effects in Citizen Kane through, for example, the judicious use of POV and over-the-shoulder shots. Such narrators can be active characters in the story being told or mere observers. First-person narration tends to underline the act of transmission and often includes an embedded listener or reader, who serves as the audience for the tale. First-person narration focalizes the narrative through the perspective of a single character. The question of motivation or psychology is therefore often raised: why is this narrator telling us this story in this way and can we trust him? For this reason, unreliable narrators are not uncommon.
Bibliograpy - Guid to literary & critical theory
Third Person POV - The third person point of view is a form of storytelling in which a narrator relates all action in third person, using third person pronouns such as "he" or "she." i.e. He said he was going to the park later that day. She didn't realize what she had said would affect her later. - Third person point of view may be omniscient or limited. Often new writers feel most comfortable with first person, but writing in the third person allows a writer more freedom in how a story is told.
Bibliograpy - Fiction writing
Narration POV - one who tells, or is assumed to be telling, the story in a given narrative. In modern analysis of fictional narratives, the narrator is the imagined ‘voice’ transmitting the story, and is distinguished both from the real author (who may have written other tales with very different narrators) and from the implied author (who does not recount the story, but is inferred as the authority responsible for selecting it and inventing a narrator for it). In a dramatic work, a narrator is a performer who recounts directly to the audience a summary of events preceding or during a scene or act. See also point of view.
And lastly all together - Narrators vary according to their degree of participation in the story: in first‐person narratives they are involved either as witnesses or as participants in the events of the story, whereas in third‐person narratives they stand outside those events; an omniscient narrator stands outside the events but has special privileges such as access to characters' unspoken thoughts, and knowledge of events happening simultaneously in different places. Narrators also differ in the degree of their overtness: some are given noticeable characteristics and personalities (as in first‐person narratives and in some third‐person narratives; see intrusive narrator), whereas ‘covert’ narrators are identified by no more than a ‘voice’ (as in most third‐person narratives). Further distinctions are made between reliable narrators, whose accounts of events we are obliged to trust, and unreliable narrators, whose accounts may be partial, ill‐informed, or otherwise misleading: most third‐person narrators are reliable, but some first‐person narrators are unreliable.
Bibliography -
Friday, October 12, 2012
Well round one is officially over and we all wait in anticipation for the top 28 (including 3 wldcards) to be posted. Then round two will begin. I am nervous and trying to keep busy as I wait to see the list. Manuscript is good to go just need to change the font up when and if my name makes the list. Please keep your fingers crossed and toes if you can. I really hope I make the top 28.
If not that is okay too. I will prepare something new for next yuear for the contest or just send in a submission in the mean time to their editors. Sorry for the lines but my keyboard decided it wasnt going to cooperate with me and the shift buttons doesnt work or creates a random symbol instead.......ffs....
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I need votes! You can vote once a day! Likes and tweets share the story with people you know that helps spread the word. Please if you can vote again today and spread the word by also clicking tweet button and facebook like button share my entry on your page for all to see and show your support. There are some stories that have over 250 LIKES they will probably be in the top 25 because more people will have seen their story. PLEASE, please, please help me make the top 25 and vote once every 24hrs.!!!!
Show your support for a Canadian Author.
Immortal island
Thursday, October 4, 2012
3 Days
So it has now been 3 days since the voting began at sytycw. We dont get to see
the number of votes each entry has so far. Not until the winners are announced. I am so nervous! There are 87 likes for my story but that doesn't necessarily mean thats how many votes I have. could be more could be less. The voting button is a big red button you cant miss. So far everyone I know that has gone to vote has told me they have. Thanks to them for their support. So if anyone is reading this head over there and vote for my story.
Immortal Island Entry
Thanks in advance to those of you who told me you supported me. xoxo
Voting continues to go on till oct 11 and everyone who has voted can vote once a day. (every 24hrs from last vote)

Monday, October 1, 2012
SL Ross Immortal Island Series
Spellbound is the entry.
SL Ross Immortal Island Series
Spellbound is the entry.
One more day before voting begins...I AM SO NERVOUS. I know my story isn't complete crap, so I should get some votes. I'm just praying I can make the top 25 at least!! Gosh I want to win so bad too! I just hope I can promote the voting everywhere that I am signed up. And of course everyone goes out to read the one chapter and votes for me! Show support for self published authors! I am pretty sure there is enough romance in the novel to make the cut. The first chaper doesn't have much for romance, it happens later on as the story develops.
Well stay tuned I will be sharing the link for votes and HOPE you all show support!
One more day before voting begins...I AM SO NERVOUS. I know my story isn't complete crap, so I should get some votes. I'm just praying I can make the top 25 at least!! Gosh I want to win so bad too! I just hope I can promote the voting everywhere that I am signed up. And of course everyone goes out to read the one chapter and votes for me! Show support for self published authors! I am pretty sure there is enough romance in the novel to make the cut. The first chaper doesn't have much for romance, it happens later on as the story develops.
Well stay tuned I will be sharing the link for votes and HOPE you all show support!

Sunday, September 23, 2012
SYTYCW contest
The contest has begun!
I have offically put in my entry for the contest. The book I am using is Immortal Island - Spellbound.
What better way to get more recognition and land a publisher than to enter a contest with a completed and edited manuscript.
I hope I win but I wont hold my breath. It is self published anyway so either way copies of the original have been sold. I have made some minor changes of course to reach the word count needed for that genre so to the new comers who have not read it it will be its oringal to the those of you who have read it it is just minor details added, no change to the plot so you wont be missing anything important to the series. Here is my entry Immortal island Spellbound SYTYCW entry
I hope you all get out there on OCT 2nd to vote for my story and any others you like but MINE mostly! teehee.
Thanks vamp lovers see you on the flip side.
xoxo Sabrina
What better way to get more recognition and land a publisher than to enter a contest with a completed and edited manuscript.
I hope I win but I wont hold my breath. It is self published anyway so either way copies of the original have been sold. I have made some minor changes of course to reach the word count needed for that genre so to the new comers who have not read it it will be its oringal to the those of you who have read it it is just minor details added, no change to the plot so you wont be missing anything important to the series. Here is my entry Immortal island Spellbound SYTYCW entry
I hope you all get out there on OCT 2nd to vote for my story and any others you like but MINE mostly! teehee.
Thanks vamp lovers see you on the flip side.
xoxo Sabrina
Saturday, September 22, 2012
One day left for the contest and entries can be submitted. I am so nervous about submitting my work. Not because I may not make the top 25 but that someone might take the time to tell me I suck! This isn't my livelihood so it's not the end all be all if I dont write anymore. I just find that it makes me happier when I write. Not sure how crazy that sounds but I love writing its like a scape for me.
I do have people who have enjoyed my work completed or not. I have plenty ideas to write down its just a matter of completeing to its entirety.
Wish me luck those of you who follow my blog, this is where I will keep you posted with the results good or bad from the contest.
Cheers Xoxo Sabrina
One day left for the contest and entries can be submitted. I am so nervous about submitting my work. Not because I may not make the top 25 but that someone might take the time to tell me I suck! This isn't my livelihood so it's not the end all be all if I dont write anymore. I just find that it makes me happier when I write. Not sure how crazy that sounds but I love writing its like a scape for me.
I do have people who have enjoyed my work completed or not. I have plenty ideas to write down its just a matter of completeing to its entirety.
Wish me luck those of you who follow my blog, this is where I will keep you posted with the results good or bad from the contest.
Cheers Xoxo Sabrina
Thursday, September 20, 2012
So I have decided to stick with my favourite genre. I find that if I stray and try and write something other than paranormal fiction it tends to go unfinished. I am not a romance writer as much as I would like to be considering the market for it. It is the biggest seller. I like paranormal romance and enjoy writing romance in a paranormal setting. Real life is just so .... boring. You go to work, get married have kids and work until you retire if you can retire then, you die... whats the fun in that? Okay I never said I was an optimist.
I like the fact that you can write about characters who can live forever are untouchable and unpredictable. I like the fantasy part in the wrting not the realism. I live reality every day, my break is the books I choose to read or write. If I can't get away as often as I would like to, I break free by reading a book or writing a book that keeps me excited. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good romance with steaming sex in it but not as often as others. It is a challenge that maybe I will have to take if my paranormal career doesnt take off. :) Come on all you vampire lovers out there, break free and grasp your inner vamp!
Teehee. Until next time Cheers xoxo Sabrina
I like the fact that you can write about characters who can live forever are untouchable and unpredictable. I like the fantasy part in the wrting not the realism. I live reality every day, my break is the books I choose to read or write. If I can't get away as often as I would like to, I break free by reading a book or writing a book that keeps me excited. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good romance with steaming sex in it but not as often as others. It is a challenge that maybe I will have to take if my paranormal career doesnt take off. :) Come on all you vampire lovers out there, break free and grasp your inner vamp!
Teehee. Until next time Cheers xoxo Sabrina
Sunday, September 16, 2012
I love writing.
100% of the time I do.
The hardest part I find is finding an agent that believes in your work as much as you do.
That and my grammar and punctuation seem to be my nemeses.
I wish I could hire a ghost writer with impeccable writing skills. Give them my story and see how it turns out. I'm not a bad writer nor am I a beginner. I just need some --er refresher in detecting the errors of my way, when it comes to my writing. It is not easy to edit your own work but there aren't many people out there that want to really pick it apart for free.
$$ When I write I dont stop until the story is completely out of my head. Which I am sure most writers do. I find that if I stop to edit while I write, I dont end up finishing the story. I use several tools while writing. I find it works well. - Pen and paper. Whether its loose leaf paper or a subject book. - Music for inspiration. I choose the music fitted to the genre I am currently writing. - Pictures of the charcters. (by this I mean if I need a blond woman I do a google search for blonde females or actress' that suit my characters features and save it in the folder for that book. I do that for all characters involved in the story.) - I read a lot of whatever genre I decide to take a shot at. I will look up the genre and search for books that interests me. - Watch movies in that genre - Even google searches on the elements of my story be it paranormal, romance or horror. It's fun researching while writing too. You can learn a lot just by looking it up to see other peoples perspectives. When I really got into writing about vampires it was fun to read all the different ideas everyone had on what a vampire is. Mind you I am a huge fan of the super scary, dangerous yet unbelievably irresistible vampires over the sparkly ones.
(I am a twilight fan too)
It is a fun genre to write because with vampires you can pretty much make anything you want happen. It doesn't matter if it's true because vampires arent real.
Well I guess it's not just vampires but any paranormal creature/character you create. There are no limits when writing them. Well without making it sound ridiculous... However even ridiculous stories seems to make it to a recognized publisher these days. *sigh*
Anywho that is my post for today. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
xoxo Sabrina
100% of the time I do.
The hardest part I find is finding an agent that believes in your work as much as you do.
That and my grammar and punctuation seem to be my nemeses.

I wish I could hire a ghost writer with impeccable writing skills. Give them my story and see how it turns out. I'm not a bad writer nor am I a beginner. I just need some --er refresher in detecting the errors of my way, when it comes to my writing. It is not easy to edit your own work but there aren't many people out there that want to really pick it apart for free.
$$ When I write I dont stop until the story is completely out of my head. Which I am sure most writers do. I find that if I stop to edit while I write, I dont end up finishing the story. I use several tools while writing. I find it works well. - Pen and paper. Whether its loose leaf paper or a subject book. - Music for inspiration. I choose the music fitted to the genre I am currently writing. - Pictures of the charcters. (by this I mean if I need a blond woman I do a google search for blonde females or actress' that suit my characters features and save it in the folder for that book. I do that for all characters involved in the story.) - I read a lot of whatever genre I decide to take a shot at. I will look up the genre and search for books that interests me. - Watch movies in that genre - Even google searches on the elements of my story be it paranormal, romance or horror. It's fun researching while writing too. You can learn a lot just by looking it up to see other peoples perspectives. When I really got into writing about vampires it was fun to read all the different ideas everyone had on what a vampire is. Mind you I am a huge fan of the super scary, dangerous yet unbelievably irresistible vampires over the sparkly ones.

Anywho that is my post for today. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
xoxo Sabrina
Sunday, September 9, 2012
So you think you can write!
Dear followers,
I have decided that I am entering in this contest so you think you can dance sytycd.
Problem is I dont have a story already written that is 80,000 words for the genre I am entering in! YIKES. I do have the first chapter ready to go, now for the compelete manusript! God help me!
I will enter every year until I win! I hope I win the firts time but hey if at first you dont succeed try again. So i will do my best to get my entry in on time (wish i had seen the add for the contest months ago!) and if I miss it I will try again next year when the contest begins. so I guess I better get to work.
I will keep you all posted on whether or not I got my chapter 1 entry in on time and there after! Wish me luck! Cheers xoxo Sabrina
Problem is I dont have a story already written that is 80,000 words for the genre I am entering in! YIKES. I do have the first chapter ready to go, now for the compelete manusript! God help me!
I will enter every year until I win! I hope I win the firts time but hey if at first you dont succeed try again. So i will do my best to get my entry in on time (wish i had seen the add for the contest months ago!) and if I miss it I will try again next year when the contest begins. so I guess I better get to work.
I will keep you all posted on whether or not I got my chapter 1 entry in on time and there after! Wish me luck! Cheers xoxo Sabrina
Monday, August 27, 2012
So I mananged to write a romance novel. Not easy let me tell you. I am so use to writing supernatural stories that when I try to write anything realistic its challenging. lol. I am about 10 chapters in and going strong. I hope once its done i still like it. I will post a piece of it once its been edited.
xoxo Sabrina
Friday, August 17, 2012
So, I am in the process of moving once again. Unfortunatly writing will be on hold for a while until we are settled in. I am hoping this will be the last time for a long time. . I will continue to carry my writing journal with me to keep the ideas flowing, so I dont end up with a block.
Stay tuned I will do my best to update when I can.
Thanks to all the fans who supported me through my Immortal Island Series. I am so happy you enjoyed my work and continued to enjoy it. I hope you follow me into a new genre soon. It gives me great pleasure to write for you all, even if I never hit the best sellers list.
Sabrina xoxo
Stay tuned I will do my best to update when I can.
Thanks to all the fans who supported me through my Immortal Island Series. I am so happy you enjoyed my work and continued to enjoy it. I hope you follow me into a new genre soon. It gives me great pleasure to write for you all, even if I never hit the best sellers list.
Sabrina xoxo
Thursday, August 2, 2012
FINALE to the Immortal Island series - The fallen
Release of book 3 is now online.
You can purchase your final book in the Immortal Island Series today!
Friday, July 20, 2012
So I have read through books 1 and 2 and I have to say I really am enjoying it. It does get annoyingly repetative with the one liners and possesiveness but I love the back story of the whole thing. Christians deep dark secrets are great and shocking. I would defintily recommend the series. I have my sister and mother reading it now. Friends at work have already finished the series after I have recommended it and I am still on book 3 lmao.
I want my own Christian Grey minus the scarred background!
Fifty Shades
Sabrina :)
Fifty Shades
Sabrina :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Hey All,
So I picked up this new series by Mari Mancusi called Blood Coven and I have to say, I am hooked. She is really great at writing. I could not put the books down and I finished the first two books in four days. Only problem with this series is it is only ordable online. :(
I went into Chapters here in Canada, local bookstore, to buy the rest of the series and it was not in store for purhcase! So I am ording books 3 - 5 online this week and next week books 6&7 in two weeks. Then book 8 as soon as it is released!
The writing is witty and fun. The series is about twin sisters. One is a vamp finatic and the other is the preppy girl in school who doesnt believe in vampires until she meets Magnus... I enjoyed it because it was light and funny and my fave subject in the whole world VAMPIRES. I would definitly reccomend this series to anyone from 16 and up. There is talk of sexual activity but no real descriptive scenes so it is age appropriate. I am not the biggest fan of teen series and when I picked this up I didnt realize it was teens but I rather enjoyed it.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
New Story
New story I am working on. I started last year but put it aside until my series the Immortal Island was complete. Now that it is I will concentrate on this new Fantasy series. Thought I would share a rough copy of it to you all see what you all think.
Artemis Sloane...
It is dusk when I arrive on this foreign land of Fort Pottersbriar. It is without a doubt, far from the comforts of my home, Ossilia. After gathering my things, I turn to follow the crowd off the boat. I step onto this strange soil that I will briefly call home, pull out a jar as I always do and scoop up a handful of the soil. I rub it between my fingers to get a feel of what the land. The soil is dry considering the ocean is so close. After pouring it into the jar, I seal the lid and pack it away in my bag.
It is a little hobby of mine. I do not stray far from my home but when I do, I always bring back a token, to remind me of that journey. My father would not approve of my decision neither would my brother. Once again however, I am put in a situation that needs rectifying. My mother is ill my father was murder by the very hands of his fellowship and my brother the selfish brute has joined the crusades leaving me to fend our kingdom alone. I trust no one in my father’s kingdom, for they are many traitors. I have dismissed all but a few staff members that I know will never do harm to me or my mother. Finding a strong alley is not easy anymore. The only problem I have now is that the strongest alley I know of, is a very old dear friend of my father. King Edmund Oroth III. His son is soon to take the throne; Prince Edmund Oroth the IV. He is a few years older than I. He is very charming and very much in love with me. My father had arranged our marriage and we were to Wed on my twenty-first birthday. I know it is my duty as his only daughter to marry royalty but I am the only heir left able to take the throne and I had no intentions on marrying. Especially not a man I barely know, besides marriage was never my thing. I did not want to rule the Kingdom, I wanted to defend it. My father would probably turn in his grave if he knew I had taken to the battlefield. I shook off the thought and carried on with my quest.
Instantly I feel a great deal of despair here. It wallows around me like a thick fog. I need to move fast before it overcomes me, as it has the people that live here. I quicken my pace down the dirt road. I click my tongue twice and my familiar, Noir, is at my side. She frightens the other passengers but they settle once she is next to me. She tries her best to behave. Noir is a panther, which is why I gave her such a name, her fur is the colour of midnight and her eyes are as blue as the Anchusa the Blue Angel flower, also known as, forget me not. She is a true gem and I am honoured to have found her. While, being connected, mentally, helps me in many ways, she always senses when I am near and when I am in need. Upon the discovery of my ability to charm animals, I have successfully been able to charm four including Noir. My first was a bear, he was a fierce creature not easily tamed. It took a lot out of the both of us, just to get him under control. He was useful in the end and I set him free. I never keep my familiars longer than I need too. There is always someone out there willing to take on a tame animal as their pet. The second was a tiger, a very feisty one at that. He was easy to tame since I found him at birth abandoned by his mother. I think he was a lot like me in a way, considering I am as feisty as they come. He was injured in battle and since then he stays home. He roams freely but always returns to me by the week’s end. My most cherished familiar was Kiara, she was a leopard a beautiful one at that. If she were human, she would have been my double. Our fighting capabilities were completely synchronized. I never had to question her ability or her loyalty. She stuck by me to the end, when her life was taken, in front of my very eyes. Tears well in my eyes at the thought but I shove my feelings aside, do my best to keep my eyes forward and my mouth shut. I am here for one thing and one thing only, nothing will make me stray from this quest. The only thing that could ruin my chances at succession is my brother and his crusaders. I keep him farthest from my mind because I know not of whereabouts. Nor shall he find me.
I am well suited. My armour is comfortable yet durable in battle. Gwendolyn the blacksmith from back home, altered it perfectly for my, well-endowed figure. I can still master a bow like the best of them, sometimes far better. The mask I wear is of tough dark leather and I tie it tight against my face. All they will see are my piercing blue eyes, which is all I want seen of me. I keep my hair tied back tight so that it does not interfere with my line of sight. The fur that accents my armour is of my last familiar Kiara, in memory. She perished in our last battle together long before arriving here.
No matter what I did, I could not prevent her death from happening. A very powerful mage got between us and whilst we fought off our own foes, he weakened me to kill her. After the battle was long over, I carried her to a safe resting place to bury her. I took some of her fur, and had it fastened on my armour so that she can continue to protect me and reminded of how hard she fought alongside me as a true friend. I destroyed that mage when I found him again and I made him pay for his cruelty. I spotted someone watching me out of the corner of my eye. I tilted my head allowing my bangs to fall forward some, so I can watch inconspicuously. I knelt down and rummaged through my bag, clicking my tongue two times, putting Noir on alert. I watched as this man stalk towards me like a barrel rolling out of control. I swear some men have no sense of furtiveness. Just as he reached a foot before me, I stood up with a dagger in hand and at his throat faster than he could ask whom I was. Noir was at my side growling and circling us. “Artemis?” He said and pulled off his helmet. My hands dropped to my side and I backed away disappointed someone had recognized me. There was no way I was going to allow him to disclose whom I was. “You are mistaken.” I said putting my dagger back in my boot. Noir remained close, as this burly man insist that I reveal my face to him. “Ah ken ‘at it is ye.” He replies. “You know nothing.” I say and walk away clicking my tongue for Noir to follow, as if nothing ever happened. “Ye cannae hide haur fowk will begin tae ask questions.” “I think you need to move along Sir, for who you are seeking, is not here.” I haul the bag over my shoulder and continue down the dirt road in the direction the others were heading. I did not recognize the man who claimed to have known me. I have been to many places and see many faces, none of which I attach myself to. I travel alone, I live alone and I work alone. Things are better this way, I do not have to worry about someone else’s hide to save, just my own and Noir’s, who can handle herself.... I have about 18 chapters written all of which introduce the characters until the all meet then it just describes whats happening in the chapter there on out. I really enjoyed writing this when I started it so I think I will take it from here and see where it goes. perhaps another series that can be continued through the many characters in the story. Guess we will see what happens Cheers Sabrina
Artemis Sloane...
It is dusk when I arrive on this foreign land of Fort Pottersbriar. It is without a doubt, far from the comforts of my home, Ossilia. After gathering my things, I turn to follow the crowd off the boat. I step onto this strange soil that I will briefly call home, pull out a jar as I always do and scoop up a handful of the soil. I rub it between my fingers to get a feel of what the land. The soil is dry considering the ocean is so close. After pouring it into the jar, I seal the lid and pack it away in my bag.
It is a little hobby of mine. I do not stray far from my home but when I do, I always bring back a token, to remind me of that journey. My father would not approve of my decision neither would my brother. Once again however, I am put in a situation that needs rectifying. My mother is ill my father was murder by the very hands of his fellowship and my brother the selfish brute has joined the crusades leaving me to fend our kingdom alone. I trust no one in my father’s kingdom, for they are many traitors. I have dismissed all but a few staff members that I know will never do harm to me or my mother. Finding a strong alley is not easy anymore. The only problem I have now is that the strongest alley I know of, is a very old dear friend of my father. King Edmund Oroth III. His son is soon to take the throne; Prince Edmund Oroth the IV. He is a few years older than I. He is very charming and very much in love with me. My father had arranged our marriage and we were to Wed on my twenty-first birthday. I know it is my duty as his only daughter to marry royalty but I am the only heir left able to take the throne and I had no intentions on marrying. Especially not a man I barely know, besides marriage was never my thing. I did not want to rule the Kingdom, I wanted to defend it. My father would probably turn in his grave if he knew I had taken to the battlefield. I shook off the thought and carried on with my quest.
Instantly I feel a great deal of despair here. It wallows around me like a thick fog. I need to move fast before it overcomes me, as it has the people that live here. I quicken my pace down the dirt road. I click my tongue twice and my familiar, Noir, is at my side. She frightens the other passengers but they settle once she is next to me. She tries her best to behave. Noir is a panther, which is why I gave her such a name, her fur is the colour of midnight and her eyes are as blue as the Anchusa the Blue Angel flower, also known as, forget me not. She is a true gem and I am honoured to have found her. While, being connected, mentally, helps me in many ways, she always senses when I am near and when I am in need. Upon the discovery of my ability to charm animals, I have successfully been able to charm four including Noir. My first was a bear, he was a fierce creature not easily tamed. It took a lot out of the both of us, just to get him under control. He was useful in the end and I set him free. I never keep my familiars longer than I need too. There is always someone out there willing to take on a tame animal as their pet. The second was a tiger, a very feisty one at that. He was easy to tame since I found him at birth abandoned by his mother. I think he was a lot like me in a way, considering I am as feisty as they come. He was injured in battle and since then he stays home. He roams freely but always returns to me by the week’s end. My most cherished familiar was Kiara, she was a leopard a beautiful one at that. If she were human, she would have been my double. Our fighting capabilities were completely synchronized. I never had to question her ability or her loyalty. She stuck by me to the end, when her life was taken, in front of my very eyes. Tears well in my eyes at the thought but I shove my feelings aside, do my best to keep my eyes forward and my mouth shut. I am here for one thing and one thing only, nothing will make me stray from this quest. The only thing that could ruin my chances at succession is my brother and his crusaders. I keep him farthest from my mind because I know not of whereabouts. Nor shall he find me.
I am well suited. My armour is comfortable yet durable in battle. Gwendolyn the blacksmith from back home, altered it perfectly for my, well-endowed figure. I can still master a bow like the best of them, sometimes far better. The mask I wear is of tough dark leather and I tie it tight against my face. All they will see are my piercing blue eyes, which is all I want seen of me. I keep my hair tied back tight so that it does not interfere with my line of sight. The fur that accents my armour is of my last familiar Kiara, in memory. She perished in our last battle together long before arriving here.
No matter what I did, I could not prevent her death from happening. A very powerful mage got between us and whilst we fought off our own foes, he weakened me to kill her. After the battle was long over, I carried her to a safe resting place to bury her. I took some of her fur, and had it fastened on my armour so that she can continue to protect me and reminded of how hard she fought alongside me as a true friend. I destroyed that mage when I found him again and I made him pay for his cruelty. I spotted someone watching me out of the corner of my eye. I tilted my head allowing my bangs to fall forward some, so I can watch inconspicuously. I knelt down and rummaged through my bag, clicking my tongue two times, putting Noir on alert. I watched as this man stalk towards me like a barrel rolling out of control. I swear some men have no sense of furtiveness. Just as he reached a foot before me, I stood up with a dagger in hand and at his throat faster than he could ask whom I was. Noir was at my side growling and circling us. “Artemis?” He said and pulled off his helmet. My hands dropped to my side and I backed away disappointed someone had recognized me. There was no way I was going to allow him to disclose whom I was. “You are mistaken.” I said putting my dagger back in my boot. Noir remained close, as this burly man insist that I reveal my face to him. “Ah ken ‘at it is ye.” He replies. “You know nothing.” I say and walk away clicking my tongue for Noir to follow, as if nothing ever happened. “Ye cannae hide haur fowk will begin tae ask questions.” “I think you need to move along Sir, for who you are seeking, is not here.” I haul the bag over my shoulder and continue down the dirt road in the direction the others were heading. I did not recognize the man who claimed to have known me. I have been to many places and see many faces, none of which I attach myself to. I travel alone, I live alone and I work alone. Things are better this way, I do not have to worry about someone else’s hide to save, just my own and Noir’s, who can handle herself.... I have about 18 chapters written all of which introduce the characters until the all meet then it just describes whats happening in the chapter there on out. I really enjoyed writing this when I started it so I think I will take it from here and see where it goes. perhaps another series that can be continued through the many characters in the story. Guess we will see what happens Cheers Sabrina
Thursday, May 24, 2012
R n R
My brother and I on our way to Mexico for our family vacation and our sisters wedding. Enjoyed a great week of relaxing and swimming cant wait to do it again.
cerveza por favor!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Finale to Immortal Island Series.
The Immortal Island Series is coming to a close. I am currently adding the final touches to the finale. I hope you are all happy with how I end it. Thank you to all my new found friends and fans. I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the series. I have some new work set aside for when the series is over, so stay tuned for whats coming soon.
xoxo S.L Ross
xoxo S.L Ross
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