If I can post a photo of the one that inspired me I will try so you can see it.
I pulled out my old vampire novel that I had packed away and read it over. Boy was I glad I hadn't try to pitch it then. It was horrible. (lol) So I rewrote it and shared it with a few close friends who loved it Then I decided to really work on it and get it to the point of finding an agent and go from there. I took that extra step this time. I completed it edited myself and had a friend help with it. Then sent out my first set of queries last march.
I think i mailed about 25 letters. recieved them all back with sorry not for us, we are not taking new clients, or just a plane no. Yes very disheartened and wanted to give up but i did not. I bought the novel and short story writers market guide and tried again. This time emailing agents and publishers that were going green. once again. all no's but very kind no's. Then finally about two months ago jsut as i started to revise my query again and redo my story and make it a bit darker and try another genre I got an email requeting my full manuscript. AS you coulod imagine I was estatic right...no. I had redone my story and wasnt even hald way through and the word count had dropped and it wasnt tying into my second part yet. What do i do? well after debating on sending the drefull email that i revised my book adn it wasnt ready any more I typed up the email and sent it waiting witha heavy heart with a moving on letter. BUT NO they were willing to wait.
SO needless to say no I am playing the waiting game as they review the book. nervous as I am i still decided to revise my query again just in case. my motto 'alway be prepared.' I am sure that is everyones motto :)
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